User Guides

Log In

Log in

1. Navigate to the Reliance System.

2. Click on the “Login” button on the screen.

3. Users can log into the Reliance System using one of three methods:

  • Your single sign-on (SSO/Research Organization),
  • NIH credentials, or
  • credentials.

4. For Single Sign On (SSO/Research Organization), search for your organization, and select. Your institution’s log in page will display. 

5. If your institution’s SSO is not listed under “search organization to log in” and you had an active account in the legacy applications, select “”, and create a account using that email address. 

6. For NIH, select NIH, and enter current credentials.  

7. If the Institution’s SSO and NIH are not applicable, select “”, and enter current credentials. 

8. Once you have successfully logged in, your global view landing page will display.  

9. If you are having trouble logging in please select ” need assistance logging in?” to view user guides and  reach out to the help desk at 

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