Reliance System
User Guides
Step-by-step guidance for study teams and POCs
General Info
Freely available for institutions and investigators, the SMART IRB Reliance System allows institutions to join the SMART IRB Agreement and helps study teams and IRB/HRPP staff work together to seamlessly request, track, and document reliance arrangements with other Participating Institutions.
User Guides
Study Teams
Learn how investigators and study team members can centrally request, track, and document reliance arrangements for their studies.
Points of Contact (POCs)
Learn how IRB/HRPP administrators or staff and/or institutional leadership can join the SMART IRB Agreement, manage institutional information and user permissions, and track and document their institution’s reliance arrangements.
If your institution has not yet joined SMART IRB Agreement V3.0 (but participates in V1.0 or V2.0), you may use the Reliance System to view arrangements documented in the legacy Online Reliance System, but your institution will not be able to initiate any new requests.